Jorj Software Co. InterNet: 4354 Fletcher Rd. Manchester MI 48158-9713 Tel: (313)428-8010 How many editions are there and what are the differences ? +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | We have two basic versions of our dictionary which relates to the | | type of memory used when the program is made memory-resident (TSR). | | Both of these basic versions are available as FREEWARE and also as | | REGISTERED versions. In all then, there are four separate versions. | | | | The Alpha edition uses conventional memory when it is made resident. | | By contrast the Omega edition uses upper memory (either EMS or XMS) | | if it is available. Omega will NOT use conventional memory as a TSR | | but will resort to using temporary disk space if upper memory is not | | available. Alpha will use about 85k of conventional memory while the | | Omega version will use about 13k. | | | | Alpha and Omega are now designated as FREEWARE which means that you | | are not obliged to register or pay a fee. Also you are free to give | | a copy of this package, unaltered and without cost, to your friends. | | | | While Alpha and Omega are demo versions of our dictionary, they do | | behave exactly the same as the registered version- Delta and Sigma. | | The real difference between these demo versions and the registered | | versions is in the size and quality of the database. The database | | for this demo package is made small enough to be accommodated on a | | 720k diskette. The database of the registered versions is upgraded | | and improved regularly and continues to grow in size. As a result | | you may often find that fairly common words seem to be missing from | | the database. The reason is this deliberate shrinking of the data- | | base, which was accomplished by an indiscriminate records deletion. | | | | DELTA - Is the REGISTERED version of ALPHA. | | SIGMA - Is the REGISTERED version of OMEGA. | | | | An illustration of Jorj's phonetic ability- | | The lists below are search words and the words found by JORJ. | | | | bowkay bouquet numatiks pneumatics | | ufamism euphemism iel aisle | | jimnazeum gymnasium newmonik mnemonic | | uker euchre eksentrik eccentric | | fikshunal fictional striknine strychnine | | | | JOSE is a wordgame which uses the JORJ database. It may be played | | by a single player or up to eleven people. It will provide you | | entertainment and a challenge while improving your word skills. | | Jose is included free with your order. | | | | Registered users will be added to our mailing list for news | | of major updates or new product releases. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Jorj (George) is called a phonetic dictionary because it makes use of a `soundex'-based algorithm for doing word searches. This permits the user to look up words by using a phonetic spelling of the search word when that is either faster or more convenient than entering the correct spelling. Jorj will most often cope well with such spelling. Another feature which makes Jorj special is the ability of searching the database definitions for the occurrence of a particular word or portion of a word. This feature will permit you to generate a list of words having a common element in their definitions or to find synonyms for a given word. For example, one could generate a list of flowers or dog breeds by scanning definitions on the keywords `flower' or `dog'. Finding a synonym is just a matter of searching definitions for the base word as it is usually included in the definition of the synonyms. The options available when JORJ is invoked from DOS are: Making Jorj memory-resident so it can be popped-up with a HotKey. Setting the HotKey to use as a trigger from a large selection list. Setting the color of the Dictionary Window to any of 5 color schemes. Changing the location of the Dictionary Window from the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen. Jorj has 3 modes of operation - LOOK-UP When the dictionary window is displayed on the screen, Jorj is ready to look up a word or scan definitions. To do a look-up you may type in a word and or you may simply hit the key. Hitting the without having entered a word tells Jorj to use the word which was at the cursor location just prior to the display of the dictionary window. This method is very useful when you have just typed a word in your word processor and you wish to check it before proceeding. The cursor would be to the right of the last word entered. After hitting the HotKey and then without typing a search word tells Jorj to use the word at or to the left of the cursor. - BROWSE Used to look at neighboring entries. This is necessary to call up homographs. When more than one word has the same spelling, LOOK-UP will always display the first one in the file. To view subsequent entries, the right arrow cursor key must be used. The PREVIEW window for the NEXT BROWSE word will alert you if that is the case. Also, when the homographs are a root word (as a singular noun form) and the inflected form of another word, then the program will locate the root word, which has precedence. The other may be located by browsing or doing a Look-Up on its root form. - SCAN This mode will search through all definitions and display all entries which contain the key word you provide. The UP Arrow can be used for partial words. For example, the string "ident" would trigger "President" as well as the words "resident" and "incident". DOWN Arrow works only on complete words and this example would not display anything since "ident" is not a word. The UP Arrow SCAN is inclusive and not limited to partial words. UP SCAN on `novel' will find definitions containing both `novel' and `novelist'. SCANNING is very useful in providing a list of entries which have a word common to their definitions. The best way to get a good feel for how SCAN can be of benefit, is to experiment with both PARTIAL and FULL WORD SCAN modes. Try FULL WORD on: State, President, dog, fish, Fr, country, Baseball, novelist, composer and flower. Use PARTIAL WORD for "sea" and "geol" and both FULL and PARTIAL with "India". Remember that SCAN is case-sensitive and the search word must have an exact match for the definition to be triggered. If you have done a look-up search, the found-word is retained in the buffer and you may scan on this word without re-typing it. Simply hit after you switch to SCAN MODE and the word found in LOOK-UP will be used as the search word for the SCANNER. THE STATUS BOX The small box on the top line of the display is the STATUS box. In LOOK-UP mode, the STATUS box reflects the status of its search. *** indicates an exact match was found. ** indicates a phonetic match is displayed. * indicates a "best guess" is displayed. ? indicates no possible match or guess. JUST BROWSING In BROWSE mode, the STATUS box indicates the number of entries which are in the active buffer and available for BROWSING. This buffer contains all words which are phonetically related to the search word. .. Use the RIGHT ARROW CURSOR to browse forward. .. Use the LEFT ARROW CURSOR to browse backward. +--------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Registration and Order Form AO 6/96 | | | | TO: Jorj Software Co. DATE:___________ | | 4354 Fletcher Rd. | | Manchester MI 48158-9713 | | U.S.A. | | | | Please ship the latest release of: | | | | Delta Edition [] Sigma Edition ......[] 25.00 | | Both Delta and Sigma (on same disk) ....[] 30.00 | | | | Shipping/Handling: ....................... 2.00 | | | | TOTAL: Enclosed is my payment of: $ ____ | | | | Note: Software is shipped on a 3.5" HD Disk. | | | | Ship to: ________________________________________ | | | | ________________________________________ | | | | ________________________________________ | | | | ________________________________________ | | | | Comments: ________________________________________ | | | | ___________________________________________________ | | | | ___________________________________________________ | | | |________________________________________________________| | | | Foreign Orders: | | Please make payment in US funds by check drawn on | | a US bank or by International Postal Money Order. | | Shipment will be made via Air Mail. | +--------------------------------------------------------+